Things to be grateful for from the past week
Lord, I am grateful for the gifts of life, love, my family and friends, and for your unwavering love and support for me.
No matter how far I have strayed, you are always there, guiding me, giving me comfort, sending your special instruments into my life. Even in the midst of my trials and confusion, no matter how dark things may seem, you are always there to shine your light for me. This Lenten season, I offer you my undying gratitude Lord Jesus for coming her to save us, to save me, sinner that I am. Thank you Lord Jesus for all your blessings and for guiding me every single step of the way. Thank you for giving me glimpses of heaven in the lives of saints, especially in the life of your earthly father, St. Joseph. Thank you for giving us your Blessed Mother, to become our Blessed Mother. I thank you everyday for sending Mama Mary to be our light in this big old world, where things aren't always how we want them to be. Thank you for the stars and the moon, the sun that always shines every single day, for the people around me who continue to inspire me to be better, to do better, for the birds and the bees, well, I'm glad that bee didn't sting us this morning. Thank you for being the light at the end of our dark tunnel, for changing missed chances into opportunities, for showing me that love is all around, if I only take the time to stop and see the beauty of nature, all of your creation. I praise you Jesus for always being there for me, for my family, for my friends. Thank you so much Lord Jesus!
Things to ask God for in the coming week
As another week begins, Lord Jesus, I pray for guidance and direction, for courage and protection, for love to reign in the hearts of all men and women, for strength to live out our faith in you, for hope to never fade, for joy and good cheer to spread all around us, for the enlightenment, discernment and wisdom so that we can make the right choices, for happiness to abound in every family, for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to work in each one of us, believers and non-believers alike, may you continue to use me to build your Kingdom here on earth. Lord Jesus, I pray that every single one of my spiritual blocks be revealed so that I may renounce them all and serve you fully in spirit, mind, body and soul, I offer everything in Your service Lord Jesus. Please show me the way to be a better servant Lord. This I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
Most important word God told me this week
Two things come to mind -- humility and obedience. Lord, please guide my steps so that I may not falter and I may continue to live out my life in pattern with yours -- with utter humility and total obedience. Thank you Jesus! I love you Jesus! Amen.