Friday, April 9, 2010

My Gratitude List for today

From today's Gospel:

"The most important aspect of our discipleship is that we have been chosen by God."

Thank you God for all your gifts -- life, love, family, friends, work, everything that gets me through the day. Thank you most of all for all your instruments who are hard at work making my life more beautiful and helping me make sense of things during those days when nothing seems to be going right. I know I am not a perfect disciple, not even near that but I also know deep in my heart that you are right there even during those times when I turn away from you.

Thank you Jesus for carrying my cross for me, enduring the most horrible death on the cross that our sins caused, and rising again to remind us that no matter how hopeless things get, you will always be my personal Lord and Savior. No matter what happens, please never let me give in to despair. Jesus, I trust in you and I always will.

When my doubts and fears are all that I see, I will always remember that You are there, waiting for the dark clouds to disappear, nay You are dispelling the dark clouds, bringing sunshine back into my life.

Again, I thank you for this lovely day, which I have yet to explore, for my meals, and of course for my family and friends, who are the kindest, most loving, most understanding bunch of people I have ever known in my entire life. I love my life Lord Jesus and I'm sorry for all those times that I have hurt you and the people around me.

I look forward to the day when I can stand up and say, I am moving on, finally, with no regrets, no fear, no doubts, and with utmost courage and faith in you Lord Jesus. Thank you for giving me hope, and love that never stops, like a spring that never ends. I am all out of words now Lord Jesus, all I ask now is for wisdom, enlightenment, guidance, direction, and healing, especially for all of us who really need it. Also, please bless my endeavors and the people I meet, live and work with and protect me and my family. May your will be done Lord. This I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

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