Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thank God for Lola!

Are you afraid of the uncertainty of things? Remember Jesus who rose from the dead. Have faith and live!

Thank You, Lord, for the gift of life and for the grace to live on with faith, hope and love. Amen.

Perfect timing! Today's Gospel Reflection hit me like an arrow through my heart.

My Grandmother is currently in the hospital right now and as usual, my initial reaction was a mixture of panic and confusion. Should I go with her? Should I stay and keep working? Should I break down and cry? What should I do? And so, I ended up calling Jesus and Mama Mary, asking them to watch over my Lola and bless her.

During these times, I realize how helpless we really are when situations involving our loved ones' health confront us. Today's Gospel and Reflection sent by Kerygma Family was a welcome salve to my troubled spirit. The prayer above is perfect for what my family and I are going through.

I am grateful that God has given my lola so many blessings, including a bonus of 17 years to her life on earth. They say after 70, you already count the succeeding years as bonus. I'm blessed to have aunt and uncles who are calm under stress or distress, who know how to handle matters without making them worse, who do not cry at the first sign of distress. Thank you Lord Jesus for being our beacon of hope, our light, our salvation. Thank you also for reminding me that no matter how scary things get, we can take courage under your wings of love and protection.

Ironically, this is exactly what I've been praying for since a few weeks ago -- faith, hope and love. It's comforting to know that God does respond and he knows who to send to take care of us when things go wrong. Thank you Lord for your loving kindness and your gently way of reminding us how much we need to depend on you, how we need to put all our trust in you.

So without mincing words, I declare: I love you Jesus and I thank you for taking care of my family and me. Please heal my Lola, if it be your will and never let us surrender to despair. Please keep her safe, fill us all with your strength and courage and may your unbounded Love heal my Lola and bring my family together so that we may weather this storm together. This I ask in Jesus' name.

Thank you for carrying our cross, dying on the cross in Calvary and rising from the dead -- thank you for the gift of salvation. I praise you Lord Jesus and I thank you! Amen.

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