Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Weight Loss Update--12 Kilos Gone!

Yes! It's been a heck of a ride but I'm so glad this weight loss journey I started during the last quarter of 2007 is moving along quite well. Sorry, it's not my intention to brag, never has been. I'm just super excited about the latest 2 kilos that I shed in the past couple of weeks. My weight kind of stayed the same in January so it's quite thrilling to finally make some progress once more.

Here’s my secret: healthier choices+healthier lifestyle=healthier you. It's true what celebs say, you really have to overhaul your entire lifestyle in order to get consistent results. Junk foods are a thing of the past. Not so much when it comes to pastries and ice cream though. And pasta... sigh! I guess I'll never be able to turn my back on lasagna and spaghetti. Oh well, I can live with that.

Next up, regular gym visits. My flabby arms and tummy need TONING, pronto! Can't wait to hear what my old trainers, Ramil and Jackie, have to say about my long overdue visit to their gym. Can't believe it's been 6 years already. That's how long I've avoided their gym when back in college I was one of their most frequent and ardent clients. Aerobics, PRT, even karate, I did all that. Too bad I stopped. That's when I started ballooning like crazy. Hopefully, this time I can follow through on this crazy adventure. Can't wait! Wish me luck, dearest pals. I'm sure going to need it if I'm going to live up to my December 2008 pledge.


  1. hi, mis. :)

    Congratulations on your weight loss. You do look greater. :) Ako kang i-link sa akong blog ha? :)


  2. Hi Psyche,

    Thanks for the compliment and for being the first person ever to comment on this blog. hihihi.

    Sure, i link lang ko sa imong blog Psyche kay dunno how to do it myself baya. :)


